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Venezuela: The Refugee Crisis You Aren't Hearing About from Tearfund Canada on Vimeo.

You may be unaware of the crisis happening in Venezuela right now. A staggering 5,000 Venezuelans are leaving their country every day. Hyperinflation has devastated the economy. People are forced to flee to survive and many make their way to Colombia. The Colombian church has responded as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.

Tearfund has partnered with The Peoples Church and Living Truth Media to respond to this particular refugee crisis. They are showing a 3 part Documentary that shares the human face of the story. As partners with Tearfund, we have an opportunity to join them in this response.

Share the 2 minute promotional video above with your congregation.

Living Truth is presenting a three-part 30-minute video series over the next few weeks, airing Sundays on different networks. If you miss the show on TV, you can access them again on YouTube at the links below. These vides are appropriate for small groups or individuals.

Let's step into the place where Jesus is - among the poor, the vulnerable, among those who have already suffered so much - to bring hope and an element of relief to the displaced. Let's pray. Let's give. Let's do what we can out of love for the One who set us free to love and serve Him. Who knows what God will do when His children around the world turn to Him in love and surrender! 

"I cannot do everything, but I must not do nothing."

- Baronness Caroline Cox

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